søndag den 29. november 2009

Case 10 - Startscreen and replayability

Case 10 was about creating the welcoming screen and and win/lose screen.
i have created all 3, and the win/lose screen shows wether you or lose. but i havent figured out how to make the start screen show in the beginning and start the game by clicking a button. and i have problems inplementing the "reset" function. so when you lose or win you dont have the option to play again since the game actually just continues on in the background.

Case 9 - Sound

Case 9 was about adding sound to the game. so i added a jumping sound and a background music to add to the feel of the game. This part was not very hard to do, maybe one ofthe easierer things to do code wise.

torsdag den 19. november 2009

Case 8 collect, avoid and fast!

Case 8 was about creating something that the player would collect from the ground. in this case him being a cleaner, it would be garbage.

he needs to collect 5 before he wins. and his progress is shown on screen.

Also areas or objects which would be dangerous for the player. which would decrease his life, was also expected. therefore i created some zombie slime areas which also make him lose a life.

but the player dont have forever to do this, he is pushed by the clock, which counts down.

Case 7. Make the enemy Aggresive

Case 7 was about making the enemy aggresive. The Zombie now follows the cleaner in both directions. everytime the zombie hits the cleaner he loses a life and has a total of 3 lives.

which is shown on screen.