fredag den 25. september 2009

Case 3 - Coding Animation

Case 3 was about making the character move by the use of code. We got the animations but now we need to make the animation play when pressing a button.

my character can move to the left and right and have a resting state in the direction he was facing last. A Little hard to demonstrate on this blog since it wont allow the .swf file

He cant move beyond the grey block either.

lørdag den 19. september 2009

Character Design Updated - Added Animation

Case 2 was about adding a running, resting and jumping animation to the character. The animation is done by using tweens and in some cases frame by frame. The main part of the character is animated simply moving, rotating and a little bit of scaling of the movie clips. Only the feet changes movie clip, which i tought was necessary in making the animation just a little believable :)

One of the things i quickly realised was that when the animation was to change to another animation, the feet, hands, head etc needed to be in a position where the next animation could start, so the transition would be smooth. had to do most of it over because i isolated the animation without thinking about the flow of movement in that respect.

The animation have turned into 5 different movie clips: walk, rest, jump up, fall down and land.

I have changed the design to make it more charming and cartoony and i think it have turned out great. The character is also more fun to look at, plus its a little easier to animate than the previous chunky design. Using the bone tool would have made it easier but i think i have come up with a result.

mandag den 14. september 2009

End of Case 1 -> Cemetery Cleanup

The game i have ended up with is called Cemetery Cleanup.

I'ts about an average "cleaner" who has the awesome job to clean the cemetery.
People tend to look at this cemetery as one big dumbster, so it's quite messy!
This could be an relative easy job to handle, though the main character is not so lucky.
the cemetery is inhabited with ghost and other workings of the dead which he has to avoid at the
same time.

The Design of the character was also made with the presumption that it could easily be animated in flash. Thats why his limps is divided so clearly.

I am working on another Design of the character right now, which is funnier and easier to animate ( at least that how i see it )

Flash Game Case 1

Case 1

We got the assigment to create a game concept in the platform genre. And create the main character for the game. The game is to be made using the Software tool Flash.